Thursday, November 4, 2010

I think it would be fitting base the podcast on the reduce reuse and recycle concepts. So I could start and talk about how we learned what these terms mean and we sorted through materials that can be recycled. I could talk about our experience learning about recycling in other countries for our global perspective (how we reached out to them on e-pals). Then talk about how we took a closer look at our own cafeteria and saw how much we were wasting by not recycling our own garbage. I will discuss our further plans to create a recycling action plan for our school. Then, I could lead into your composting lesson by saying something like: we took our cafeteria examination a little bit further and discussed how we can reduce our food waste. We came up with the great idea of creating a school compost pile....

Then you can talk about what a compost pile is and how you put it into action...and whatever else.

What are the textook concepts...what textbook do we use?

Any ideas for the third part?

1 comment:

  1. So do we just find textbooks about our particular portion of recycling? Not sure exactly where to take my section into the podcast that's all??
