Friday, October 1, 2010

Google Map Explanation/Directions for Use

Each group will be given a map of their country. They will log on to google maps and follows these directions:
  • Click on blue marker near major city in your country
  • A box will pop up-->click on “Search Nearby”
  • In search bar, type “recycling”
  • Copy down findings onto map
  • Disscuss with your group what you notice
  • Try to type in other key words that will helpful to your campaign (i.e. if you are creating a radio jingle, you may need to find a nearby radio station)
  • Copy down all searches onto your map and create a key to decipher between markings on your map.

1 comment:

  1. Student will:
    Use the map as a geography tool. They can see where their country is located and major cities within.

    Use the map to find key locations to help their advertisement (directions are posted above)

    Use the map to create a route from the United States to their assigned country.

    This map incorporates the three major cities involved in the project.
