Sunday, October 31, 2010

Concept map 2

Hey! I added the ones that you suggested, Meg. I also added some that I have come across in my research. Hope you like the revised product!

Collection Lesson

Hey guys.. I just wanted to let you guys know that I'm doing my collection method lesson based on my original lesson of Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. I am collecting data on the materials that my class places in the class compost. Hope everyone had another great week!

Concept map

Hey guys! I have a few ideas that I think we should add to the revised concept map. Compost piles (which I just used in my recycling lesson), and the process of collecting and sorting the materials that are recycled. This will lead to more ideas later! I love where this is going... keep it up!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

data collection

For my data collection lesson plan, I am going to have students collect data on recyclable goods founds in student lunches. The focus will be on how much the school wastes everyday by not recycling in the lunchroom.

Also, for the concept map part. Megan already did her part a few weeks ago. I do not mind doing it this week, if that is alright with both of you (I am flexible if it would be better I did the last one).

Just post ideas to add to the map!
Thanks :)

Saturday, October 23, 2010


hey guys.. I'm going to do my movie on my same lesson topic as well.. reduce, reuse, and recycle.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I think I am going to stick with my lesson topic and focus on how to reuse items to reduce waste. What are you thinking?

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Hey,  I did my lesson on what happens after the collection process...with a focus on reusable goods. Students make something out a recyclable good and learn about other ways the product can be reused/recycled.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Katie, what is your lesson going to cover that way I don't talk about what you are going to? I saw Megan's is reduce, recycle, reuse. Thanks

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Sounds like a plan! I would read the text first before you do your lesson, its helpful for creating it

This week

Hey! I would like to do it Thursdays if at all possible. :) I would also like to do my lesson on reduce, reuse, recycle.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Module 5

We are supposed to select a day that we can all check the blog (it doesnt have to be at the same time, just the same day). I was thinking Wednesday or Thursday (Thought it was far enough in the week that we have read the assignments, but also gives us time before the due date) Thoughts?

Also, for this weeks assignments, we have to create a lesson plan that builds off each other. We just have to make sure we dont cover the same thing. I have decided to do what happens after something is collected. Someone could cover the collection process, what reduce reuse and recycle mean, what can be recycled...or basically anything that was in the concept map that we created a few weeks ago (other than the lesson I did on what happens after an item is collected )

Have a good one :)

Friday, October 1, 2010

Recycling project

Google Map Explanation/Directions for Use

Each group will be given a map of their country. They will log on to google maps and follows these directions:
  • Click on blue marker near major city in your country
  • A box will pop up-->click on “Search Nearby”
  • In search bar, type “recycling”
  • Copy down findings onto map
  • Disscuss with your group what you notice
  • Try to type in other key words that will helpful to your campaign (i.e. if you are creating a radio jingle, you may need to find a nearby radio station)
  • Copy down all searches onto your map and create a key to decipher between markings on your map.


View Larger Map

Doc. and Google Map

Hey Katie-
I read through the document and loved it. I honestly couldn't think of anything to add. I really like our concept!
I also went back and looked around on the google map but still couldn't figure out what she meant about "2. Your group will decide what the map will be used for and create a "route" to wherever."
Let me know if you have any ideas. Let's finish this up!

google doc

Made some changes...let me know what you think.

Also,,,,feel free to add, change, or take out ANYTHING


Hey! I know you said that you cant work on it this morning, but I am going to add a bit now and then when you come on later you can add more/edit what I did.

I'm excited about the idea!