Thursday, December 9, 2010

Melissa- we all got a zero on the concept map...I thought you were on board to do the third one??

Monday, December 6, 2010

I figured out how to link webites to the text. Anyone need help?

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Hey Melissa- Katie said that you emailed her but didn't know mine. It's a lot easier to get ahold of me through my western email which can be found on e-learning. I'm sorry but I'm scared to put that on here. (and my last name starts with an R)... good luck let me know if you have ANY more trouble!

Inspiration Concept Map pt. 3

Hey Melissa-
I just want to remind you that it's your turn to do the concept map. My free trial has run out so I can't and Katie already did her part. It's due tonight.


Ok good. I can take care of the reduce, world connections, blog and implementation in schools portions. Let's keep chatting.... looks good!
I think that my lessons would fit well under reuse and recycle. So I can do those!!

Saturday, December 4, 2010


Hey that all sounds good! I made the side bar links by using some of the things you suggested and breaking up everything we have done so far into categories. The categories I divided it up into are:
Home Page
Introduction to Recycling
World Connections
Implementation in schools
Recycle Blog
Then we can break up who want to do what.
Good luck!


I think splitting up the sidebar would be a good place to start. That way we have an outline for our website, and we can start to individually work on our pages. I can start with an intro today...I'll include the GLCES, ways to introduce the unit, etc. Thoughts/suggestions?

...and what if we had reduce...reuse...and recycle pages because I think that all of our lessons would tie into one of those concepts. Maybe we can each do one?


Hey guys I vote that we stay with the tree website template. :) So I'm going to go ahead and start uploading stuff! Let me know if anything changes or if you guys have any ideas.